Paper Making, Watermark & Pulp Painting
Explorations Dan Chen / August 9, 2015
Pulp Painting & Paper Making
For pulp painting, first I laser cut out the shape with mylar, The negative space is where the paper pulp would get trapped.
First wet the mylar and place it on the mold (screen side).
Prepare the platform so we can lay the paper down later.
You can add color to the cotton with retention agent.
Here we lay 2 layers of paper on top of each other.
Using a brush, you can control amount of the pulp on the paper. The lines are cleaner with the method.
Hydraulic press helps to squeeze out the water.
I laser cut the vinyl and transfer it onto the mesh screen.
Tip: Small thin lines or small areas works the best, or you might create big holes in your paper.