Visiting the Silicone factory in Shenzhen. Silicone molding often requires 2 part molds, since you…

This is a plastic injection molding factory that we visited in Shenzhen. They made the…

Lipo batteries can be customized in different shapes and sizes by stacking sheets of coated…

Visiting the PCB factory in Shenzhen. This is a mid size PCB factory, they have…

You will need CNC (I used a Desktop ShopBot) Hydraulic Press – 2000 to 3000…

You can control the thickness, color, material, and inlays of your own paper in the…

Based on Samantha Bittman’s mini loom design I made the Fab Loom stronger, bigger with…

It's pretty easy to make a pair of wooden Sandals when you have the shopbot…

The drawing machine was made in a hotel in China Shenzhen using the locally sourced…

The design allows the cardboard to friction fit at any opening sections. Different cardboard thickness…

I've decided to make a small film everyday, trying to get better at my storytelling,…

“A shaker is a piece of laboratory equipment used to mix, blend, or to agitate…

This is an easing example using delay. BTW, the timing based movement without delay will…

I used a compact linear actuator by Firgelli, it is both fast and strong. It…

For my robotic gripper, I want to make a small and compact Capacitive Pressure sensor…

I want to make a few Oriental Windows to accompany my latest project, Nostalgic Touch.…

Model the operation of a self-reproducing machine, think about how that might work, and in…

For this week, I want to turn my Roomba into my camera man. Similar to…

This is a very simple LED controller that cycles through different lighting mode using attend…

This is a simple big LCD clock using a LCD backpack. This allows you to…

In this project, I am storing finger gesture data to the SD card, then reading…

Intimacy Prosthetics consist of 2 wearable devices that 2 people would wear to communicate sense…

This week we get to play with Machines that make: cardboard stages. Working as a…

Node.js is great for interfacing browsers, running Javascript both on client side and server side.…

Nrf24L01 is really easy to program with RF24 Arduino library. The data transfer rate is…

Output devices could be display or motion with servo or stepper motors. In my case,…

Using the capacitive touch I created a linear potentiometer using the transmit-receive method. I am…

Composites is a good method to get a strong structure by combining 2 different materials.…

There are many ways to program tiny44, Arduino or C code is what I tried…

Molding & Casting is an easy way to mass produce the same part over and…

ATtiny44 is a small and cheap micro controller which you can program it like an…

The ShopBot is pretty handy comes to making rounded and complex shapes. It is like…